Lancaster Story Slam co-founder Carla Wilson recently appeared on Friday Live Lancaster to talk about Lancaster Story Slam and our upcoming "Family Feud" Story Slam, which is Tuesday, August 25 at Tellus360. Here's Carla's blog post on the experience!
I have lived in Lancaster for about a year now. Every day, every week, I discover something fun and new. This past week was no different. I discovered Friday Live Lancaster because I was invited to be a guest on the show on Friday, August 21.
Friday Live Lancaster is Lancaster, PA's live, online radio show about the City of Lancaster, its art, culture, people, and events. The hosts of the show are Laura Kendall, Director of the Ware Center at Millersville University, and Joe Devoy, the owner of Tellus360. The show takes place at The Rabbit & The Dragonfly (51 N. Market Street in Place Marie), Fridays at 11 am.
So why was I invited as a guest on the show? To talk about Lancaster Story Slam, of course!
I arrived at The Rabbit & The Dragonfly about 10:45 am to discover a coffee shop/performance venue. Awesome. (By the way, The Rabbit and Dragonfly are a group of local artists and musicians inspired by the early twentieth century English writers group called "The Inklings." They hold ongoing music and arts events and have a small used book section that holds writings of the Inklings as well as other genres of literature. They aim to promote community, collaboration, and creative inspiration that will fuel connections and promote life in our city.)
Ken Mueller (yeah, that Ken Mueller from Tellus360), the producer and Megan Wilson greeted me. Joe and Laura were set up at their interview table.
Several local folks were interviewed about upcoming events including The Reese Project (who will provide live original music to Fritz Lang's Metropolis), Music for Everyone (who will host "Behind the Scenes" on August 27), Rubi Nicolas discussed her Market Fresh Comedy series, and Dave from The Rabbit & Dragonfly sang acapella.
Then I was invited to the table so that Laura and Joe could ask me about our awesome event happening every 4th Tuesday of the month at Tellus360.
Take a listen to the interview here!
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Don't forget that our "Family Feud" Story Slam will be held on Tuesday, August 25 at 8pm. Order your tickets now!