'Gifts' will the theme of our July Story Slam!

vLSS - June 2020 (2).jpg

Our July Story Slam will be held on Tuesday, July 28th via Zoom. The theme of the evening will be GIFTS.


You must register in order to attend. Once you register, we'll send you a confirmation email that includes your unique link to tune in on July 28. We will begin promptly at 7 pm that evening. You'll click the link at the scheduled time from your laptop, tablet, or phone to join the call. You may wish to download the Zoom app if you don’t already have it, but it is not necessary to participate – if you don’t have it, the call will launch in your web browser. The app does give you access to more features. You'll be able to see the storytellers as they share their stories; we will not be able to see the audience members (so - shower and pants are optional! :-) ).

The event is pay-what-you-can. No ticket fee will be collected when you register; we will gratefully accept contributions via Venmo (@cwilsonwilson) and PayPal (paypal.me/lancstoryslam) to cover the cost of our production and to help out our friends at Zoetropolis. (We miss them terribly and can’t wait to host LSS there again!) If you aren't in a position to give, no problem - please join us anyway.

What type of stories fit the theme "Gifts?"

We’re looking for your story about the gifts you’ve received and the gifts you’ve given. What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? What about the worst? Are you a good gifter? Does your grandmother always give you a chia pet for your birthday? Has Great Aunt Mildred really wrapped up the cat as a Christmas present? Or, taking it in a completely different direction, are you gifted in some way? Whatever your gifting story, we’d love to receive the gift of your story, so come out and join us!

If you would like to sign up to be a storyteller for the evening, please COMPLETE THIS STANDARD TALENT RELEASE FORM. You will be required to join us for a ‘tech rehearsal’ on Monday, July 27th (7pm) to test equipment.

Paul Armstrong is the winner of our 'Identity Crisis' Story Slam!

Paul  Armstrong was the winner of our “Identity Crisis” Story Slam. Paul shared his story of misjudging weeds.. 

June 2020 - Virtual LSS screenshot.jpg

Our “Identity Crisis” Story Slam included stories about a spontaneous hair cut, the natural instinct of fight versus flight, and the idea that who others think you are doesn’t determine your identity. 

Thanks to all our talented storytellers and everyone who took time away from their quarantine to cheer on our storytellers and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is themed "Gifts" and will be held on Tuesday, July 28th starting at 7 PM. Make sure to save the date and watch our Facebook page for more information!

Watch Paul’s video here, and check out videos of all our stories at our YouTube channel.

Hello, World!

"Identity Crisis" will be our theme on June 23rd!

Lancaster Story Slam continues to come to you live in your living room. We'll host our June 23rd story slam via Zoom. The theme is IDENTITY CRISIS and our MC will be David Smith.

Click here to register for our June Story Slam.

The event is pay-what-you-can. No ticket fee will be collected when you register; we will gratefully accept contributions via Venmo (@cwilsonwilson) and PayPal (paypal.me/lancstoryslam) to cover the cost of our production and to help out our friends at Zoetropolis. (We miss them terribly and can’t wait to host LSS there again!) If you aren't in a position to give, no problem - please join us anyway.

You must register in order to attend.

Once you register, we'll send you a confirmation email that includes your unique link to tune in on June 23. We will begin promptly at 7 pm that evening. You'll click the link at the scheduled time from your laptop, tablet, or phone to join the call. You may wish to download the Zoom app if you don’t already have it, but it is not necessary to participate – if you don’t have it, the call will launch in your web browser. The app does give you access to more features. You'll be able to see the storytellers as they share their stories; we will not be able to see the audience members (so - shower and pants are optional! :-) ).

What type of stories fit the theme "Identity Crisis?"

We’re looking for your stories of times your identity has come into question. Maybe it was an experience of mistaken identity, or losing your passport. Perhaps you have a story about finding out who you really are, or aren’t. No matter who you are, come out and share your identity story with us.

If you would like to sign up to be a storyteller for the evening, please COMPLETE THIS STANDARD TALENT RELEASE FORM. You will be sent a special STORYTELLER link to use for the rehearsal and the Slam. You will be required to join us for a ‘tech rehearsal’ on Monday, June 22nd to test equipment.

Tom Bottiger wins our "Not What I Intended" Story Slam!

Tom Bottiger was the winner of our “Not What I Intended” Story Slam! Tom shared his story of working for a television station and through a series of unfortunate events ended up accidentally violating broadcast standards. 

Tom Bottiger won the prized pint glass!

Tom Bottiger won the prized pint glass!

Our “Not What I Intended” Story Slam included stories of a sentimental nature as well as some hilarious tales. This was our third virtual story slam event and we had a total of eight storytellers share their stories.

Thanks to all our talented storytellers and everyone who took time away from their quarantine to cheer on our storytellers and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is themed "Identity Crisis" and will be held on Tuesday, June 23rd starting at 7 PM. Make sure to save the date and watch our Facebook page for more information!

Our May Story Slam is themed "Not What I Intended"

Our May Story Slam themed “Not What I Intended” will be held on Tuesday, May 26th at 7pm.

Since we are unable to host an in-person event, we have pivoted to present Lancaster Story Slam to you via an online tool called Zoom.

Please CLICK HERE to register.


You will receive a confirmation email with a link to use to watch the event on May 26th!

As you know, our typical ticket price is $8-10 depending on when you register. Our event is now pay-what-you-want. We will use any contributions sent via Venmo (to @cwilsonwilson) or via PayPal (paypal.me/lancstoryslam) to cover the cost of our production and to help out our friends at Zoetropolis. (We miss them terribly and can’t wait to host LSS there again!)

What type of stories fit the theme "Not What I Intended?"

We’re looking for your stories about times when things, for better or worse, turned out not quite the way you had planned. Maybe you have a story about a decision you made that led to unintended consequences. Perhaps you have a story about the interconnectedness we all share living on this big blue marble. Or perhaps you have a story of a time when someone misinterpreted something you said. No matter the outcome, we’d love to hear your story!

If you would like to sign up to be a storyteller for the evening, please send an email to carla@lancasterstoryslam.com. Otherwise, please plan to listen to some awesome stories and help us pick the winning storyteller of the evening!

Beth Horenkamp wins our 'Ink' Story Slam!

Beth Horenkamp accepts the virtual prized pint glass for telling the winning story tonight!

Beth Horenkamp accepts the virtual prized pint glass for telling the winning story tonight!

Beth Horenkamp was the winner of our “Ink” Story Slam. Beth shared her story of corresponding with her Grandpa Jack. 

Our “Ink” Story Slam was our second virtual story slam event. We had a total of eight moving stories expounding on the theme of ink in the form of letters written, tattoos indelibly inked on bodies, and memories of those we’ve loved.

Thanks to all our talented storytellers and everyone who took time away from their quarantine to cheer on our storytellers and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is themed "Not What I Intended" and will be held on Tuesday, May 26th starting at 7 PM. Make sure to save the date and watch our Facebook page for more information!

Check out Beth’s winning story below. To watch other stories told on the night, click on over to the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel.

Our April 28th Story Slam is themed "Ink"!

Our April Story Slam, “Ink” will be held on Tuesday, April 28th at 7pm.

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Since we are unable to host an in-person event, we have pivoted to present Lancaster Story Slam to you via Zoom.

Please CLICK HERE to register.

You will receive a confirmation email with a link to use to watch the event! We are also going to try to live stream to our YouTube channel this month.

As you know, our typical ticket price is $8-10 depending on when you register. Our event is now pay-what-you-want. We will use any contributions sent via Venmo (to @cwilsonwilson) to cover the cost of our production and to help out our friends at Zoetropolis. (We miss them terribly and can’t wait to host LSS there again!)

What type of stories fit the theme "Ink?"

We’re looking for your stories about ink in all forms. Maybe you’ve had a copier mishap, or had a pen explode in your pocket. Maybe you have a tattoo experience that left a mark. Pun intended. Whatever your ink story, good or bad, we’d love to hear it, so come on out and join us!

If you would like to sign up to be a storyteller for the evening, please COMPLETE THIS STANDARD TALENT RELEASE FORM. You will be required to join us for a ‘dress rehearsal’ on Monday, April 27th to test equipment.

We can’t wait to “see” you there!

Tony Crocamo wins our 'Luck' Story Slam!

Tony Crocamo was the winner of our “Luck” Story Slam. Tony shared his story of preparing for his first communion. 

March’s winner, Tony Crocamo, shows off his prized pint glass.

March’s winner, Tony Crocamo, shows off his prized pint glass.

Our “Luck” Story Slam was a bit different for all involved. It was our first online production of a story slam. We were LUCKY to have pulled it off with only a few slight bumps in the road. We had a total of eight stories running the gamut from Rebecca Thatcher Murcia’s winning a Columbian lottery to Steve Kernaghan’s story about breaking up a girl fight.

Thanks to all our talented storytellers and everyone who took time away from their quarantine to cheer on our storytellers and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is themed "Ink" and will be held on Tuesday, April 28th starting at 7 PM. Make sure to save the date and watch our Facebook page for more information! 

Our 'Luck' March Story Slam is now a virtual event!

We're going virtual!  

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From Event Producer, Carla Wilson:
Guess what? We're not going to cancel the March Story Slam as originally thought. 

While I'm not happy that we're all sheltering in place because of COVID-19, I am happy that we have technology that will allow us to share our stories!  I thought this would be a good time to test out making Story Slam a virtual event -- meaning our audience can watch from wherever they are via a computer or other device. We're producing this month's Story Slam using a tool called Zoom.

You will need to register for this month's Slam.  If you haven't used Zoom before, you will need to set up an account. (Don't worry, it's fast and easy!)  

Click this link to register for our March Lancaster Story Slam!

Our March Story Slam, “Luck” will be held on Tuesday, March 24th at 7pm. We will be using a  webinar tool called Zoom to allow you to view the event from your computer or other device!  As you know, our typical ticket price is between $8-10, but for March the event will be fee free (or by donation if you choose), so that we can test out our equipment and make sure the technology works the way we want!  Please click here to register!  (If you have not used Zoom before, you will need to create an account). 

What type of stories fit the theme "Luck?"

We’re looking for your stories about being lucky, getting lucky, or perhaps your lack thereof. Have you ever won the lottery?  Have you ever had a streak of bad luck? Maybe you lucked out and were in the right place at the right time. What constitutes luck anyway? Join us and tell your stories of good and bad fortune! 

If you would like to sign up to tell a story, please email me at carla@lancasterstoryslam.com. You will be required to sign a release form and join me for a 'dress rehearsal' on Monday evening (March 23rd) so we can test equipment. 


March 24th Story Slam has been canceled

Hello Lancaster Story Slam community,

We love you and want you to maintain your health and well-being during this ever-changing COVID-19 situation. We have made the decision to cancel our March 24th Story Slam. We are sad that we are canceling an event for the first time in our six seasons, but felt it was a necessary call.

If you already purchased tickets online for the March Story Slam, our ticketing agency, Brown Paper Tickets, will be issuing you a refund. Please allow up to 10 business days for them to process the refund, as they are overwhelmed with event producers like me canceling events.

We hope to see you at our April 28th Story Slam themed “Ink.” Tickets will go on sale at midnight on March 25th.

Thank you for your understanding,

Carla Wilson and the Lancaster Story Slam Team

Steve McLean wins our #adulting Story Slam!

Pictured is winner Steve McLean with our emcee David Smith. Steve told the winning #adulting story last evening!

Pictured is winner Steve McLean with our emcee David Smith. Steve told the winning #adulting story last evening!

Steve McLean was the winner of our “#adulting” Story Slam. Steve shared a story about the time he decided to let loose and live a little that landed him in the ER.

Our “#adulting” Story Slam included several hilarious stories and even a few incredibly heartfelt tales. We heard Pat Carmody’s tale about taking his daughter to her tippy-tap class after a late night of poker with the boys. Alison Kibler told the story of learning to drive at age 16 on the I-495 beltway. And Alex King shared the darker side of #adulting with the story of a mouse in the house. 

Thanks to all our many talented storytellers, the judges, and everyone who came out to cheer on our storytellers, and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is themed "Luck" and will be held on Tuesday, March 24th starting at 7 PM. Make sure to save the date and order your tickets online in advance! 

Check out Steve’s winning story below. To watch other stories told on the night, click on over to the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel.

#Adulting will be the theme of our February Story Slam!

David Smith will emcee our February #Adulting Story Slam!

David Smith will emcee our February #Adulting Story Slam!

Our next Story Slam “#adulting” will be held on Tuesday, February 25th. We’ve been known to sell out of tickets, so it’s a good idea to purchase your tickets online in advance. Join us at Zoetropolis. We start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme "#adulting?"

We’re looking for your stories about being an adult and all the “fun” things that go along with being an adult. We’ve all had days where the responsibilities of being an adult have been overwhelming. Maybe you have a story about when you were just starting out on your own and had to figure things out for yourself. Perhaps your story is about an adulting fail. Whether it’s a story about an adulting win you’ve had or a situation where you just couldn’t, we want to hear your #adulting stories!

Grab your tickets HERE! If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive. Remember, we start telling stories at 7 pm on Tuesday, February 25th at Zoetropolis (112 N Water Street).

David Winston pictured (photo credit: Julie Liz Photography) will host the evening!

Swapna Deshpande is the winner of our 'Blank Canvas' Story Slam!

Emcee David Smith congratulates Swapna Deshpande, our first winner of the 2020 season!

Emcee David Smith congratulates Swapna Deshpande, our first winner of the 2020 season!

Swapna Deshpande was the winner of our “Blank Canvas” Story Slam! Swapna shared the story of the many sleepless nights she spent in the pursuit of becoming a doctor and being a mother at the same time.  Her story earned her perfect scores from our judges!

Our “Blank Canvas” Story Slam was a great kick-off to our 2020 season with several first-time storytellers and a number of returning storytellers. John Teske, PK Hill, and Sitawa Wafula shared stories about traveling to new places for a fresh start. Shelly Carney told the story of discovering the beauty in a dirty canvas, and Lissa Olsen shared a story reminding us that we may have many canvases throughout our lives and we should be proud of the gallery we create.

Thanks to all our many talented storytellers, the judges, and everyone who came out to cheer on our storytellers, and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is themed "#adulting" and will be held on Tuesday, February 25th starting at 7 PM. Make sure to save the date and order your tickets online in advance

Check out Swapna’s winning story below. To watch other stories told on the night, click on over to the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel.

Our January Story Slam is themed 'Blank Canvas!'

Dave Smith will return to our stage to emcee our ‘Blank Canvas’ Story Slam! Thanks to Julie Liz Photography for her amazing photo of Dave!

Dave Smith will return to our stage to emcee our ‘Blank Canvas’ Story Slam! Thanks to Julie Liz Photography for her amazing photo of Dave!

Our sixth season of Lancaster Story Slam begins on Tuesday, January 28th with the theme of “Blank Canvas.” Come on out to Zoetropolis; we start telling stories at 7pm. Grab your tickets HERE!

What type of stories fit the theme "Blank Canvas?"

We’re looking for your stories about the times in life you've been given a clean slate or times you've had to start all over again.. Maybe it was when you first went away to college or graduated. Perhaps you started a new life in a new city. Maybe quit your job and started a business of your own. Whatever it is, we want to hear about your blank canvas!

If you have a story, stop by the information table to sign up. Remember, we start telling stories at 7pm on Tuesday, January 28th at Zoetropolis (112 N Water Street).  Click HERE for tickets.

Our 2020 Season begins on January 28th!

Will we see YOU tell a story on stage in 2020?

We’re thrilled to announce that Lancaster Story Slam is gearing up for our sixth season! The 2020 season will again take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Zoetropolis. 

Tickets for our January Story Slam are on sale now!

Without further ado, here are our themes for 2020!

Photo credit: Julie Liz Photography

Photo credit: Julie Liz Photography

January 28th - Blank Canvas
February 25th - #adulting
March 24th - Luck
April 28th - Ink
May 26th - Not What I Intended
June 23rd - Identity Crisis
July 28th - Gifts
August 25th - Firsts
September 22nd - All Grown Up
October 27th - Unmasked
November - Grand Slam - (Theme announced in October)

Our sixth Lancaster Story Slam season will kick off on Tuesday, January 28th, 7pm at Zoetropolis!  Buy your tickets HERE!

Rita Clarke Crowned 'Best Storyteller in Lancaster 2019' at our Grand Slam!

Rita Clarke, Best Storyteller in Lancaster 2019, with her trophy. Photo credit: Julie Liz Photography

Rita Clarke, Best Storyteller in Lancaster 2019, with her trophy. Photo credit: Julie Liz Photography

Rita Clarke faced tough competition to win the 2019 Lancaster Story Slam GRAND SLAM with her story about the changes we can affect on others. Rita won the coveted trophy and has earned the title of “Best Storyteller in Lancaster” for 2019.

The theme for the night was “Changes,” and our storytellers did not disappoint. We heard a solid mix of humorous and thought-provoking stories. Beth Horenkamp’s story demonstrated that as a mommy you learn to roll with the changes. We cringed along with Terri Shadle as she told the harrowing tale of having an infected earring removed. And Jeff Howe told the story of Sally and her bowling ball. 

Thanks to all our storytellers, our judges, and everyone who came out to the sold out Grand Slam!

You can watch Rita Clarke’s story below. To watch all the stories told at the GRAND SLAM, click over to the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel. Or use this link for a playlist of all the Grand Slam stories!

Our 2019 Grand Slam Storytellers photographed by Julie Liz Photography

Our 2019 Grand Slam Storytellers photographed by Julie Liz Photography

Grand Slam Dinner and Drinks Suggestions

We’ll be heading to Lancaster Dispensing Co - aka DipCo - for a Grand Slam after party.  Join us there!

We’ll be heading to Lancaster Dispensing Co - aka DipCo - for a Grand Slam after party. Join us there!

So you’ve gotten your tickets for Grand Slam, and now you’re wondering where to enjoy dinner and drinks before or after the event? No alcohol will be served at The Ware Center and our beloved Zoetropolis will not be open on Tuesday, November 26th, so we wanted to provide you with some dinner/drinks suggestions! Look no further! We’ve compiled a little list for you!

The following local eateries will be OPEN for dinner on Tuesday, November 26th:

The Pressroom Restaurant (26-28 W King Street). 717-399-5400. They suggested that you make reservations using Open Table for the night of Grand Slam. Duck Fat Fries with chorizo gravy, say what?!

Spring House Taproom (25 W King Street), features fresh Spring House brews alongside delicious pub grub, a regulation-sized shuffleboard table & ... Zoltar! 717-399-4009.

Josephine’s Downtown, (50 W Grant Street). 717-299-7090. Formerly Carr’s Restaurant across from Central Market. Josephine’s is the downstairs restaurant. C’est La Vie is the planned restaurant for upstairs and may be open by November 26th.

Cocina Mexicana, (112 N Water Street, next to Zoetropolis) 717-393-9193. Serving authentic Mexican food.

Lancaster Dispensing Co aka DipCo (33-55 N Market Street), 717-299-4602. A Victorian Pub located across from Central Market. They do not take reservations, however, they mentioned that Tuesday nights tend to be quiet. Full menu is served until midnight, drinks served until 1am!

Make your plans now so that you can enjoy dinner before heading over to The Ware Center for Grand Slam!

The Lancaster Story Slam team plans to head over to DipCo after crowning The Best Storyteller in Lancaster 2019. Join us there!

'Changes' will be the theme for our 2019 Grand Slam!

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Tickets are on sale now for our 2019 Grand Slam! The Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam brings back the winners from all of the Story Slams throughout the year to compete for the title of ‘Best Storyteller in Lancaster!’

This year’s theme for the Grand Slam is “Changes.” It will be held at The Ware Center on Tuesday, November 26th at 7 PM. Our Grand Slam event has sold out each year, so be sure to purchase your tickets in advance.

Tickets can be purchased HERE!

Please note, due to the change in venue for Grand Slam there will be no alcoholic beverages served at the event. Come out and cheer on your favorite storyteller of the season. David Smith, veteran storyteller on our stage, will return to emcee. We look forward to seeing you there!

Jeff Howe Wins the 'Scars' Story Slam!

Emcee Linda Silberman congratulates Jeff Howe on winning the prized pint glass!

Emcee Linda Silberman congratulates Jeff Howe on winning the prized pint glass!

Jeff Howe was the winner of our “Scars” Story Slam. Jeff told the story of his childhood friend nicknamed “Fat Frankie” and how some scars have the possibility of being healed. 

Our “Scars” Story Slam was a mix of good laughs and vulnerable moments. We heard stories about both physical and emotional childhood traumas and stories of bizarre and sometimes comical injuries. Beth Horrenkamp shared her story of a sparring mishap in which her injury was hardly noticeable. Mandy Mastros shared a story about the value of telling one’s story, scars and all. PK Hill shared about her experience of meeting Katherine Hepburn. David Smith shared his obsession with pretzels and Ash Devoe shared a tale reminding us that it’s a bad idea to  trim the nails of a coyote. 

Thanks to all our many talented storytellers, the judges, our emcee Linda Silberman, and everyone who came out to cheer on our story tellers, and be a part of our storytelling community. 

Our next Story Slam is the final event of the 2019 season - the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam! The theme for the Grand Slam will be “Changes. Grand Slam will be held on Tuesday, November 26th starting at 7 PM at The Ware Center. If you plan to attend, be sure to get your tickets online in advance as our Grand Slam event has sold out every year. 

Our theme for October 22nd will be 'Scars!'

Linda Silberman, pictured above, will be our emcee for the evening!

Linda Silberman, pictured above, will be our emcee for the evening!

Our October Story Slam themed, “Scars,” will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd. It tends to be a packed house, so it’s a good idea to purchase your tickets in advance. Join us at  Zoetropolis; you can come early for dinner or drinks now that the restaurant is open. We start telling stories at 7 pm. Grab your tickets HERE!

What type of stories fit the theme of "Scars"?

We’re looking for stories about scars. Scars can be both physical and emotional. Do you have a memorable scar? Did you inflict a scar upon someone else? Do you have a unique take on scars? Come out and share your battle wounds with us. Whether your story is the kind that gives you all the  feels or something on a lighter more humorous note, we’d love to hear your tale.

If you have a story, visit the information table when you arrive. Remember, we start telling stories at 7pm on Tuesday, October 22nd at Zoetropolis (112 N Water Street). Click HERE for tickets.