Read the Manual

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on April 22 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Read the Manual.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme Read the Manual?

There are three types of people: those who read the manual before assembling or using the subject of the manual; those who read the manual after assembly or use to determine what went awry; and those who, despite repeated misadventures in assembly and usage, have yet to open a manual. Some people may think that the overwhelming majority of the latter two examples are men. LSS shuns such stereotypes. Share your stories of assembly disasters, or problems avoided by men and women who did or did not read the manual.

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Doc Yoder Wins Our All In Our Heads Story Slam

Congratulations to Doc Yoder, who won our March story slam. The theme was All In Our Heads, and we had another full house and 12 storytellers.

Doc is pictured here with with this month’s emcee, Marianne Sheely.

Doc won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2025 Grand Slam on December 2.

Our next story slam is April 22 and the theme is Read the Manual. Tickets are on sale now. Our events tend to sell out well in advance, so get your tickets now!

All in Our Head

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on March 25 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is All in Our Head

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme All in Our Head?

Commonly, things that are all in one’s head are thought to be unreal. But then every manufactured item in our lives, from applesauce to xylophones, began in someone’s head. Every part of our lives--our impressions of our surroundings, our jobs, our relationships, likes and dislikes, values, beliefs are all in our head. Tell us your stories about false impressions, mistaken ideas, of insight and inspiration—the unreal and yet-to-be-real ideas that are all in your head and make up your world.

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Swapna Deshpande Wins Our There's No App for That Story Slam

Congratulations to Swapna Deshpande, who won our February story slam. The theme was There’s No App for That, and we had a full house and 10 storytellers.

Swapna is pictured here with with this month’s emcee, Tim McGuinness.

Swapna won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2025 Grand Slam on December 2.

Our next story slam is March 25 and the theme is All In Our Head. Tickets are on sale now. Our events tend to sell out well in advance, so get your tickets now!

There's No App for That

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on February 25 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is There’s No App for That.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme There’s No App for That?

Being on that first date, beginning a new job, accepting new responsibilities, or chucking it all to paint in Tahiti—we arrive at some situations and realize there is no shortcut, no easy way out or technological fix for how to do this. We want to hear about how you plowed ahead or how you arrived on the shore of these unexplored waters. We want to hear your stories about walking life’s tightrope without a net. It’s what we all do.

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

David Welden Wins Our First Impressions Story Slam

Congratulations to David Welden, who won our first story slam of the year. The theme was First Impressions, and we had a full house and 12 storytellers. Our 11th year is off to a great start!

David (right) is pictured here with with Lancaster Story Slam producer Tony Crocamo.

David won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2025 Grand Slam on December 2.

Our next story slam is February 25 and the theme is There’s No App for That. Tickets are on sale now. Our events tend to sell out well in advance, so get your tickets now!

Our 2025 Season Kicks Off January 28

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on January 28 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is First Impressions.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme First Impressions?

Many of life’s misunderstandings flow from assumptions we make about another’s motives or intentions. First impressions—immediate assumptions—are impossible not to make or form. They may be spot on or disastrously wrong. Tell us your stories about how acting or not acting on first impressions led to unexpected actions, perplexing behavior, life changing decisions, missed opportunities, joy, and sorrow. Or share how the first impression you formed about someone, someplace, or something have shaped your life.

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Jon Heinly Named Best Storyteller in Lancaster at Our 2024 Grand Slam

Jon Heinly was the winner of our Misunderstood-themed Grand Slam.

Jon is pictured here with our Grand Slam emcee, Lancaster Story Slam founder and producer emeritus, Carla Wilson.

We are grateful to everyone who competed in this year's Grand Slam, our judges, our volunteers, everyone who told stories this year, and especially our audience. Thank you!

Special thanks to our season sponsor, Alex King of Caring Transitions of Lancaster.

The Grand Slam concludes our 10th season. We’ll be taking a break for December, but we’ll be back at Zoetropolis on the fourth Tuesday of the month throughout 2025.

Click here for our 2025 dates and themes.

Our Tenth Annual Grand Slam: Misunderstood

It’s time for our 2024 Grand Slam! It will take place on Tuesday, December 3 at 7 pm at West Art Community Center.

Tickets are on sale now. They’re limited, so get yours while the gettin’s good.

The theme of the evening will be Misunderstood, and our emcee will be Lancaster Story Slam founder and producer emeritus, Carla Wilson!

Our Grand Slam is the culminating event of the year where we bring back our monthly winners from this year to compete for the the title of "Best Storyteller in Lancaster," their name engraved on the Storytellers’ Cup, and a trophy to take home. Our finalists this year include:

Kelsey Kman and Kate Prisby - January/Great Escapes
Cliff Lewis
- February/Lost in Translation
Tim McGuinness and Jamie Beth - March/Truth Be Told
Swapna Deshpande - April/If Only
John Heinley - May/Thrill Rides
Rebekah Jewel - June/Out of Reach
Becky - July/Did I Do That?
Ashley Harbinson - August/Tangled Web
Phoebe Gilman - September/Surprisingly Strong
Corey Wolfe - October/BYOT (open theme)

Here’s a playlist of all the winning stories from this season!

Corey Wolfe Wins Our Final Open Mic Slam of the Year

Congratulations to Corey Wolfe, who won our October story slam. It was an open-theme slam.

Corey (right) is pictured here with with this month’s emcee, David Smith.

Corey won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and the last spot in our 2024 Grand Slam.

Save the date for our Grand Slam on December 3 at West Art Community Center. We announced the theme at the end of the October event: Misunderstood. Tickets are on sale now.


Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on October 22 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

We hear it all the time. “I’ve got a story I’d tell, but it never seems to fit the theme of the month.” Not in October—it’s Bring Your Own Theme night at LSS, all bets are off, the sky’s the limit, no holds barred, it’s a free-for-all, whatever all-inclusive cliché you want to employ is fine with us. Any story will do, even that one. This is the night you’ve been waiting for, your chance to tell THAT great story. To share THAT moment. We’ve asked you upon arrival at our monthly slams, “Are you telling a story tonight?” And many of you have said, “Maybe some night, but not tonight.” Tonight’s your night. Go for it.

We look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Phoebe Gilman Wins Our Surprisingly Strong Story Slam

Congratulations to Phoebe Gilman, who won our September story slam. The theme was Surprisingly Strong.

Phoebe is pictured here with with Lancaster Story Slam producer JJ Sheffer.

Phoebe won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2024 Grand Slam on December 3.

Our October 15 event is an open-theme slam, meaning there is no theme. So if you’ve had a story in mind you want to tell, but couldn’t figure out how to make it fit one of the themes this year, now’s your chance!.

This is the last open mic event of the season, so it’s the last chance to earn a spot in our 2024 Grand Slam. And speaking of the Grand Slam, we’ll announce this year’s theme at the end of the October event.

Tickets are on sale now. Our events tend to sell out well in advance, so get your tickets now!

Surprisingly Strong

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on September 24 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Surprisingly Strong

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme Surprisingly Strong?

There are many surprisingly strong things in life—opinions, reactions, capabilities, attractions, hot sauce, dislikes, drinks, drugs, odors—and all of them have causes. And when we explain those causes, we are telling stories which are often Surprisingly Strong stories. And that’s exactly what we are looking for during this month’s story slam. Maybe we’ll hear about a weightlifter’s personal best heft. Or how a rookie cook learned the difference between a bulb and a clove of garlic. The permutations are, if not endless, Surprisingly Strong. So, pick one, tell your Surprisingly Strong story this month.

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Ashley Harbinson Wins Our Tangled Web Story Slam

Congratulations to Ashley Harbinson, who won our August story slam. The theme was Tangled Web.

Ashley is pictured here with with Lancaster Story Slam producer Tony Crocamo

Ashley won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2024 Grand Slam on December 3.

Our next story slam is September 24 and the theme is Surprisingly Strong. Tickets are on sale now. Our events tend to sell out well in advance, so get your tickets now!

Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on August 27 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Tangled Web, and Swapna Deshpande will be our emcee for the evening.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme Tangled Web?

Our tangled webs aren’t limited to lies. Sometimes our plans can become overly complicated. Personalities can make families quite complicated even without the complicating accelerant of divorces, separations, remarriages, or realization of gender identity and sexual preferences. Business deals, friendships, career plans, today’s to-do list can all get tangled. And of course there are lies. Lies told out of kindness, lies told to create/preserve a veneer of civility, lies meant to be self-serving, lies of pure deceit. What Tangled Web(s) have you spun or entangled you? Did you escape or are you still struggling to get free? Are entanglements all bad?

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Becky Wins Our Did I Do That? Story Slam

Congratulations to Nurse Becky, who won our July story slam. The theme was Did I Do That?

Becky is pictured here with with this month’s emcee, Tim McGuinness.

Becky won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2024 Grand Slam on December 3.

Our next story slam is August 27 and the theme is Tangled Web. Tickets are on sale now. Our events sell out weeks in advance, so get your tickets now before they’re gone!

Did I Do That?

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on July 23 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Did I Do That?

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme Did I Do That?

This month’s theme is more than a mashup Steve Urkel’s catch phrase from the 1990s Family Matters sitcom and the hidden effects our life has on others, à la Jimmy Stewart’s revelation in the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life. We want to hear about an accomplishment of yours that still surprises you. Have you ever learned that what you thought was an ordinary conversation changed someone’s life? Have you raised children? Ever successfully champion a process or decision at work, risk an investment of time, talent, or money that created a new reality for you? Inactions also have ripple effects; perhaps something you decided not to do or say tipped the first of a series of dominoes?

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Rebekah Jewel Wins our Out of Reach Story Slam

Congratulations to Rebekah Jewel, who won our June story slam. The theme was Out of Reach.

Rebekah is pictured here with with this month’s emcee, Cliff Lewis.

Rebekah won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2024 Grand Slam on December 3.

Our next story slam is July 23 and the theme is Did I Do That? Tickets are on sale now. Our events sell out weeks in advance, so get your tickets now before they’re gone!

Out of Reach

Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on June 25 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Out of Reach.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme Out of Reach?

The traffic light isn’t always green for us. We all have wants, needs, desires, hopes, wishes, goals that have been, and remain, Out of Reach. Was it our failure, or an unreasonable expectation that kept it Out of Reach? What was Out of Reach for you: a toy your parents couldn’t afford, someone you loved who loved another? Was it an athletic contest you didn’t win? A personal goal you were unable to achieve? Is coming close worth the effort, can losing be more instructive than wining? When do we stop reaching for the unreachable? Are some things best left Out of Reach?

However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.

Jon Heinly Wins our Thrill Rides Story Slam

Congratulations to Jon Heinly, who won our May story slam. The theme was Thrill Rides.

Jon (left) is pictured here with with Lancaster Story Slam Producer Tony Crocamo.

Jon won a prized Lancaster Story Slam pint glass and will compete in our 2024 Grand Slam on December 3.

Our next story slam is June 25 and the theme is Out of Reach. Tickets are on sale now. Our events sell out weeks in advance, so get your tickets now before they’re gone!