A Story Slam is an event where anyone can take the stage and tell a story! The story should be loosely based on the theme of the night, be approximately five minutes long, and be true as you remember it! Three judges are chosen from the audience and each storyteller is given scores based on content and presentation. We don't take the competition part too seriously, it's all about sharing diverse stories.
Story Slams are held all over the world, mainly in cities such as New York, London, Brisbane, Philadelphia, Scranton, Baltimore, Washington DC, and even West Chester, PA. Now Story Slam is coming to Lancaster, PA!
Here are some of our favorite stories:
Terry Heyman's Sweet Sixteen story, told at West Chester Story Slam in 2012.
Eli Silberman's Release the Condor story, told at West Chester Story Slam in 2011.
Karen Randall's Lettuce Sandwich story, told at the West Chester Story Slam Grand Slam in 2013.
Steve's story about an Awkward Kiss, told at the West Chester Story Slam Grand Slam in 2014.