Let's talk about family.
Our August 25th Story Slam is themed "Family Feud!" We'll start promptly at 8pm at Tellus360 in downtown Lancaster, PA. Order your tickets HERE.
What are "Family Feud" stories?
We want to hear about the time you pulled your sister's pigtails during the trip to Hershey Park and she screamed causing your father to drive off the road and you have still never ridden the Sooper Dooper Looper. Tell us about the time your little brother asked to borrow three dollars so he could get a rainbow lollipop at Candy Kitchen and when you returned to the beach house he told you he didn't have the money to repay you so you freaked out and had to be pinned down by your father. Tell us about your mother's affair and your parent's subsequent divorce or that awkward moment when your drunk Uncle Eddie decided to contest grandmother's probated will while you were still at the funeral home.
Perhaps you had friends who were as close (or closer) than your family until there was a falling out. Did you live at a foster home where you had an extended family? Were you an exchange student placed in an awkward situation? We want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Also the funny.
Come on out and watch "Family "Feud!" If you want to sign up to tell a story, see Carla upon arrival. Order your tickets online and show up to Tellus360 early to drink a pint and eat some grub. We'll see you on Tuesday, August 25th!
Need some inspiration? Maureen Egan tells the story of being the youngest in a family left her simmering for years until she finally got her payback!