Matthew Kabik took home the prized pint glass after winning the Lancaster Story Slam in January. Matthew is a repeat January winner - he also happened to win the January 2015 Story Slam also. Matt told a touching story about trying to befriend a neighborhood kid.  In addition to the prized pint glass, Matthew has earned his slot in the 2016 Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam, which will be held in November. 

Our theme for the night was Resolutions, and we heard tales about ugly couches, going vegetarian, breaking up, rehab, aging gracefully, basketball mishaps, moving furniture, and more. 

Our next Lancaster Story Slam will be Tuesday, February 23rd and the theme is "Social Media." You can purchase tickets on our Tickets page

Here is Matthew's winning story. To check out the other stories told that night, check out the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel