"Don't Tell Mom!"
You've said this many times, or perhaps you have overheard your kids whispering this in the next room. Well, now "Don't Tell Mom" is the theme of our May 23rd Story Slam! Join us at 8pm at Tellus360 for "Don't Tell Mom" stories. Grab your tickets by clicking HERE.
We want to hear those stories where you broke a lamp in the house, scratched the car, or snuck a boyfriend/girlfriend into your bedroom. Trying to keep a secret from mom isn't easy - they have that extra sense for knowing when something is amiss. Maybe you withheld vital information about your true identity, your whereabouts, or your most recent lover, because you were concerned about mom's reaction. Have you ever had to tell your mom you were moving away, that you wrecked her new car, or that you were arrested? Tell us about your mother's reaction when she finally put the puzzle pieces together. We want to hear the stories you successfully kept from your mom AND stories you were not able to keep hidden!
"Don't Tell Mom" is the theme! Come on our May 23rd at 8pm at Tellus360!