Winning Storyteller Michael Evans poses with emcee Luanne Sims
Our 2018 Lancaster Story Slam started out with the theme "New Beginnings," and first-time storyteller Michael Evans edged out the competition with his heartfelt story about beginning his life anew after his divorce. Michael took home the prized pint glass and has earned a slot in our 2018 Grand Slam, which will take place in November. Congratulations Michael!
The "New Beginnings" theme brought out stories personal, heartwarming, and sometimes funny. We heard about starting new jobs in different parts of the country, giving birth, holding a historically significant gun, the angst of trying to get a proper haircut, and noticing a moment of grace while attending church. Thanks to all our storytellers!
Our next Story Slam is scheduled for February 27th and the theme is "First Crush!" Tell us about your first fling, your first love, your first obsession, your first romance. You can grab your tickets by clicking HERE.
You can watch Michael's winning story below. To check out other stories told on the night, click on over to the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel.