Our fifth season of Lancaster Story Slam begins on Tuesday, January 22nd with the theme of “Fine Line.” Come on out to Zoetropolis; we start telling stories at 7pm. Grab your tickets HERE!
What type of stories fit the theme "Fine Line?"
We’re looking for your stories about the fine lines in life; times when there was only a slight difference between things. Maybe it was the way you felt about your 2nd grade nemesis - it was a fine line between love and hate. Perhaps when you decided to save money by fixing the toilet yourself, it was a fine line between genius and insanity. Or maybe there was a time when you might have crossed that line between gossip and information on one of your visits to the water cooler at work. We want to hear about your fine line.
If you have a story, see Carla when you arrive. Remember, we start telling stories at 7pm on Tuesday, January 22nd at Zoetropolis (112 N Water Street). Click HERE for tickets.