
Our seventh season of Lancaster Story Slam continues on Tuesday, February 23rd, with the theme of “Oil & Water.” You must register in order to attend. Once you register, we'll send you a confirmation email that includes your unique link to tune in on January 26th. We will begin promptly at 7 pm that evening. You'll be able to see the storytellers as they share their stories; we will not be able to see the audience members.

What type of stories fit the theme "Oil & Water?"

Oil and water just don’t mix! Maybe it’s a person that rubs you the wrong way or a clash of personalities you’ve witnessed in action. Or perhaps it’s even more literal than that and you have a tale about cooking or chemistry gone awry. We want to hear your stories about whatever doesn’t mix well for you. 

The event is pay-what-you-will. No ticket fee will be collected when you register; we will gratefully accept contributions via Venmo (@cwilsonwilson) and PayPal (paypal.me/lancstoryslam) to cover the cost of our production and to help out our friends at Zoetropolis. (We miss them terribly and can’t wait to host LSS there again!) If you aren't in a position to give, no problem - please join us anyway.

If you would like to sign up to be a storyteller for the evening, please COMPLETE THIS STANDARD TALENT RELEASE FORM.