Photo by Randy Flaum
We hope to see you on June 27 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Easy Does It.
Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.
Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.
What type of stories fit the theme Easy Does It?
Hard work, say many, is the key to success. Yet Easy Does It is regularly invoked as the way to go. A light touch is called for in many of life’s situations—but we aren’t always up to the task of being as delicate and measured as necessary. Easy Does It might have been your approach to avoiding being discovered as you slipped in or out of your childhood home without waking parents. Or it might have been your intended approach to starting conversation with a loved one. When has an Easy Does It approach worked, or failed, in your life?
However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories. If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.