LSS Sept winners.JPG

Congratulations to Mark Lentz and Jack Horenkamp, our winners for September!

We were so pleased to host Lancaster Story Slam again on September 28th. Since we had to cancel our July and August events, we allowed our 5 storytellers the choice of telling a story based on themes of Everything I Learned, Summer Camp or Dog Days.

Jack told us a tale about a very eventful Summer Camp trip he took with some friends.

Mark shared his Everything I Learned story about a student who taught him several lessons.

Mark and Jack will join our other monthly winners Doc, David, Steph, Swapna, Steve and Jamie Beth at our Grand Slam. We announced that the Grand Slam this year will be held on Tuesday, December 7th! Please mark your calendars!

And we made another special announcement: Our October Slam will be held IN PERSON at Zoetropolis on Tuesday, October 26th! Stay tuned for more details.

In the meantime, enjoy the videos of our winning storytellers: